Toddler Pascala Lotus
By Emma and Mark Nicholson
21" (54cm)
3lbs 9oz
This stunning lady is one of our older-style 'Toddler' bears (bears that can be dressed in standard baby clothing so you can shop for their outfits yourself). Pascala Lotus (who's name roughly translates to Easter flower) is made from a mix of two curlylocks mohair colours - a hand-dyed stunning purple on a pink-toned backing and a factory-dyed gold on a dark brown backing. Her nose is hand embroidered in a matching purple perle cotton and she looks out through over-sized black glass eyes.
Pascala is fully T-pin jointed and stuffed very well with polyfill, glass and steel shot weighting. Her feet and hands have been cut from the gold mohair and feature hand-pulled and lightly shaded peek-a-boo toe detailing. Pascala wears a brand new 'Baby Essentials' bubble-style bodysuit with flower and bow detailing. She also comes with a matching purple flower headband and a handmade purple crochet teddy (made by my aunt).
Pascala Lotus is a very detailed and cuddly one of a kind artist bear.
~*~ Please Note that these bears are designed to be Adult Collectables and not intended for infants and young children due to small parts and potential for damage.